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发布时间:2022-12-04 17:10   责任编辑:wangqian
报名开始:即日起       报名截止:见文内
清华大学,位于海淀区,坐落在中国首都北京的西北部,是中国著名高校之一。清华大学创建于1911 年,初名清华学堂,校址建在原皇家园林所在地——清华园。清华大学根植于中华民族优秀文化的肥沃土壤,秉承“自强不息、厚德载物”的校训,形成了“行胜于言”的纯朴校风和“严谨、勤奋、求实、创新”的优良学风,融会中西文化,为国家培养了一大批杰出人才。
清华大学附属中学隶属于清华大学,简称清华附中(Tsinghua University High School),前身是1915 年创建的成志学校,1960 年改名为清华附中,是教育部直属高校附中,北京市重点中学和首批示范性普通高中。学校肩负着“为领袖人才奠基,引领教育改革创新,努力承担社会责任”的教育使命,学校始终坚持“以育人为中心,以学生为主体,为了每一个学生个性自由而全面发展”为办学思想,秉承清华“自强不息,厚德载物”的校训,以“行胜于言”的校风、“明德启智、修己树人”的教风、“带着问题学进去、带着感悟学出来”的学风,取得了令人瞩目的办学成就,享誉中外。
清华附中国际部(Tsinghua International School,简称THIS)隶属于清华附中,创建于2009年,旨在为在华外籍人员子女及海外归国人员子女提供“中西合璧”的教育。重视中英双母语能力的培养及中西文化的渗透融合。中文被列为全校1-12年级必修的核心课程,同步使用中国教育部的部编版教材,保证了学生的中文母语水平。此外,我校在初中开设了中国历史课和东方艺术课,打造了中文、中国历史、东方艺术三位一体的中国语言文化课程体系,全方位夯实学生的中国文化底蕴。
正值担当-------- 具有强烈的社会责任感和高尚的品德。无论身处何处,始终具有“根植于内心的修养,无需提醒的自觉,为他人着想的善良,以约束为前提的自由”。
尊重包容-------- 具有厚实的中国文化底蕴、坚定的民族文化自信和开阔的国际视野,乐于以开放的心态拥抱多元文化,兼收并蓄。
团结合作-------- 善于与人合作,共同解决问题,乐于贡献自己的才能和想法,共同达成目标。
探索创新-------- 积极探索有意义且激发好奇心的学习体验,面对机遇和挑战时,勇于开拓创新。
Position Description
The school is seeking a Technology Coordinator who will be responsible for overseeing all technology operations within the school while working collaboratively with the school administration, faculty and staff.
-A degree in Computer Science
-Background and experience in database development and management
-Experience with PowerSchool or similar student information system
-Native level English skills
-Computer Science teaching experience
-Currently living and working in China
-Experience teaching robotics
-Experience managing an LMS (Learning Management System)
-Experience leading a school technology team.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
PowerSchool (PS)
-Manage all aspects of Power School including the database with the support of the technology staff.
-Communicate as needed with the tech team at PowerSchool.
-Provide professional development sessions for new teachers and the entire staff as needed.
-Use programming to alter aspects of PS as needed.
-Oversee the set-up of the parent conference schedule.
-Ensure student, staff and report card schedules are developed and adhered to.
-Manage and make necessary adjustments to the Admissions segment of PS.
-Oversee the management of the school LMS system, the Follett database and others.
-Coordinate the work of the nonteaching technology team
-Work with administrators to support school initiatives.
-Oversee the management of technology in the school including the ordering of hardware and software.
-Support the maintenance of hardware as well as software applications.
-Work with others to manage the servers.
-Develop an understanding of the network and how it interacts with the larger school located on the campus.
-Teach an AP Computer Science course.
-Teach a robotics class VEX and/or Lego.
-Provide a nurturing, caring and supportive environment for students.
-Work with ESL students within the regular class, differentiating lessons as needed.
-Teach other courses as qualified and needed, especially in the are of programming.
-Work with other technology teachers to provide professional development to new and continuing teachers.
-Provide support for school wide and/or department wide events that require technology.
Prepare for and participate in all parent conferences.
·Secondary Math, 2 positions
·Secondary Chemistry
·Instrumental Music
·Theater Arts (tentative)
·STEM/ Instructional Technology (50% teaching, 50% professional support position)
In order to be considered for a teaching position at THIS secondary school, all applicants should meet or exceed the following criteria:
·Two years of teaching experience.
·Degree in specified content area.
·Teaching certificate in the content area.
·Understanding and belief in progressive/inquiry-based education.
* 面试通过后签订正式劳动合同,足额缴纳五险一金;
* 有竞争力的薪资待遇;
* 享受寒暑假和西方假期;
* 丰富的主题培训和讲座;
* 多种多样的工会活动和福利。